Application of PH tester in agriculture:

Controlling soil PH is important because the range of PH values that drive crop growth is small and varies from crop to crop. When hydroponics are used, PH control is more important than when soil is planted, because too high or too low PH can cause certain chemicals to settle. Some useful bacteria in soil thrive best in slightly more acidic conditions. If soil PH is too high, crop nutrients form insoluble compounds. Too low a PH can result in the production of toxins from certain metals.

Application of PH measurement in brewing industry:

PH is important for all stages of aging and brewing. Lowering the PH will reduce the solubility of the bitter ingredients in the hops and ensure that using stronger hops does not increase the bitterness. Bottled beer should have a PH between 3.9 and 4.1 to keep it stable.

Application of PH value in anticorrosion industry:

Iron corrodes at PH below 4.3, while a semi-protective coating only forms at PH above 4.3. Acidic soils may fall below this standard. A more corrosion resistant coating is formed at PH above 10.5. The thickness of oxide layer can be estimated by electromotive force measurement. If the electromotive force measured is close to that at the oxide layer, it indicates that the layer is completely formed without pores. But if the measured emf is close to the metal emf, it means that the layer basically the layer has no protection value.

PH meter application in dairy industry:

Because milk lumps and deteriorates at PH4.7, it should not be allowed to reach this value under any circumstances. The freshness of the cheese can be measured by electromotive force and PH. For example; PH4.9 is good for cheddar. Ice cream with very low PH fruit or juice tends to spoil. Cooling the PH of brine to control lest it corrode the pipe.

Example: cheese production
Determination of PH in the manufacture of soft, fresh and hard cheeses suitable for storage. Cheese is rich in protein and fat, so be careful when choosing electrodes. Needle electrodes are usually used

Application of acidity meter in printing and dyeing industry:

Processes such as bleaching and dyeing with various dyes control PH values within specified ranges to achieve good results without damaging the fabric. Wool, for example, is effective only when PH is neutral, and the nature of the dye itself changes PH. The acid composition of the dye has also been determined, generally we use PH meter to determine the endpoint.

Application of PH tester in power equipment industry:

The PH of the feed water should be controlled to prevent piping and boilers from rotting. In most cases, corrosion is minimal between PH 7.4 and 8.0. Monitoring water supplies can identify certain types of pollution. The softening process of alkali lime requires PH9.4 to remove calcium ions and PH10.6 to remove magnesium ions.

Application of PH controller in fermentation reaction:

To achieve results in each fermentation process, PH control is required. Changes in PH of some bacteria can even alter the product. The PH of fermentation process is self-changing, so it needs to be adjusted regularly. This ensures condition and prevents unnecessary or even harmful by-products.

Application of PH measurement in fertilizer production:

The PH of acidic fertilizers needs to be controlled to avoid wasting acid and to ensure product consistency.

Application of PH test in grinding powder:

The quality of flour can be judged by measuring its PH value. Better quality flour has a lower PH value in the overall range of 5.9 to 6.5. The quality of buffered flour can be determined by adding an appropriate amount of acid with known PH value to reduce its PH value.

PH meter in gelatin and glue manufacturing application:

The properties of gelatin and glue are greatly influenced by the PH in the production process. To obtain consistent product control PH values. Colorimetric method requires special sample treatment and poor sex.

Application of PH measurement in iron and steel industry:

PH determination determines the effectiveness of oleic acid bath and neutralizing waste oleic acid bath. The quality of cast sand can be improved by controlling PH. A good PH keeps the sand in shape.

Application of PH test in jam and jelly production:

The PH range of the gel that makes jams and jellies just right is very small. PH3.3 for jello. At 3.1, the jelly is too hard, while at 3.5, it is too soft and not gelatinous beyond PH 3.5. Tartaric or citric acid can be used for control.

Application of PH meter in fabric cleaning:

Good PH control can enhance the effectiveness of soaps and detergents. The maximum PH11 is for undyed cotton, about 10 for wool, 9.6 for coloured fabrics and 9.2 for silk. In general, the higher the PH, the more efficient the cleaning process, but the PH should not exceed the value that the washing fabric can withstand. A starch solution with the right PH prevents sticking when ironing.

Application of acidity controller in leather production:

Careful PH control during leather handling can achieve results without damaging the leather. The PH of the skin and bath actually determines the texture and color of the final product. The hair removal process is generally carried out at PH12.3, but it is completely neutralized to ensure good preservation quality of leather. The expansion of collagen was minimal at PH 4.7.

Application of PH measurement in meat and fish Processing:

PH determination of meat and fish is a good indicator of product quality and freshness. This is a typical application in the field of needle electrode applications.

Application of PH measurement in metal polishing:

The efficiency of alkenic acid bath and cleaning bath is determined by PH measurement, which determines the quality and speed of electroplating process. Certain alloys can also be electroplated if the PH value is kept under strict control. At the end of coating penetration, its thickness is measured by a destructibility test and is known from changes in millivolt readings. This is one of the industries where colorimetry cannot be applied directly.

Application of PH meter in acid-base neutralization process:

The method of neutralizing acids or bases is controlled by a PH meter, which shows the neutralization point more accurately than other methods. The PH meter is particularly useful for measuring coloured solutions, whereas colorimetry is unskilled.

Application of PH tester in printing:

Paper and ink PH control to ensure accurate ink permeability and drying speed. Too high PH results in viscosity and too low drying rate is too slow.

Application of PH test in pharmaceutical:

The PH of antibiotics prepared from mold should be controlled. When the PH is wrong, it’s not medicine, it’s poison. The PH value is strictly controlled during the preparation of many drugs.

Application of PH meter in sewage treatment:

Controlling the PH value of sewage ensures effective condensation of acid/alkali residue. PH3.4 or 7.4 can achieve good results. Also, the PH of the discharge water is controlled to prevent contamination. The digestive range is 6.8 to 7.6. The PH of filtration depends on the chemical used, for example, ferric chloride at PH3.4 and alum at PH 4.4.

Application of PH controller in swimming pool water treatment:

The PH level of swimming pool water should be kept close to neutral or slightly alkaline to prevent skin discomfort. High PH will accelerate the precipitation of solid salts in the hot section and in the filter. Low PH can lead to corrosion of iron pipes.

Application of pen PH meter in tropical fish culture:

Expensive tropical fish thrive only in a certain PH range. Each species has its own PH environment, which becomes more demanding when breeding. Neon Tetra, for example, prefers water with a PH closer to 7.0 than angelfish, which requires a PH of 6.8. Freshwater fish require a PH between 6.0 and 8.0. Saltwater fish environment needs to be maintained at 8.3. If the PH of salt water reaches 7.0, fish will get sick.

Application of PH meter in water treatment industry:

The PH of water in rivers, lakes and oceans is measured to study the natural environment of wildlife. The Marine Research Institute, the Fish and Wildlife Service, and water Control all carry out such measurements. PH measurement can also be used to determine the degree of pollution of water for domestic and industrial use.

When determining the PH value of water, there are two completely opposite conditions: one is to measure pure water (boiler water), and the other is to measure waste water (sewage purification plant sewage). The ion concentration is very low and the conductivity is very low. In this case, the contamination of the water is so serious that the liquid joint is blocked.

Example: boiler water

The power station uses boiler water to produce steam. The goal is to make the water as pure as possible. This will not leave sediment after the water evaporates, especially to prevent scale. In order to use boiler water efficiently and economically, the condensate gas is re-pumped. Therefore, boiler water is very pure distilled water, sometimes even less than 1μS/cm conductivity.

Why do we measure PH?

Although boiler water has low conductivity, tanks and pipes can rot if the PH of the water is acidic.
In order to minimize the cost of costly maintenance and repair work throughout the system, the PH of the water is constantly (if not consistently) controlled. If necessary, add something (such as a solution of ammonia) to raise the PH to 9 and keep it there.
By monitoring PH, any acid or base changes released from the ion exchanger can be immediately measured.
Table above: standard data for steam generator water
The modified composite electrode with flexible liquid junction can overcome the problem of low ion concentration in solution.
Open holes covered by flexible frosted glass fluid joints provide a larger contact area for reference fluids. This ensures a stable PH value when determining the water sample in question.
Example: sewage treatment
In a bioreactor, organic matter is broken down by bacteria. This is done in acid/alkali ponds. Further aerobic fermentation is done in septic tanks.
PH monitoring. First, microbial activity is maintained. the biogas released can be used effectively as an energy resource.
The problem is that a large number of solids and dissolved sulfides can quickly block the reference junction of an ordinary electrode.
Cleaning of the electrode for such measurements is important and blocking problems can be avoided by opening the hole or replacing the ceramic reference connector.

More articles about water quality:

What is pH in water test?
Main water quality indicators
Sensors commonly used for water treatment
About turbidity sensors