Maintaining the perfect balance in your pool’s water chemistry ensures a safe and enjoyable swimming experience. One crucial aspect of this balance is the pH level. If the p wH of your pool water is too high, it can lead to various issues such as cloudy water, skin irritation, and reduced effectiveness of chlorine.

What is the ph level of a pool?

The ideal pH value for swimming pools is between 7.4 and 7.8. This range is weakly alkaline, which helps to ensure optimal swimmer comfort and the effectiveness of chlorine as a sanitizer.

  • Below 7.2: Too acidic, can sting the eyes and corrode pool equipment.
  • 7.2 – 7.8: Ideal range for swimmers’ comfort and protection of pool components.
  • Above 7.8: Too alkaline, can irritate the skin, cause cloudy water, and scale build-up.
The effect of ph pool degree on pool water
The effect of pH pool degree on pool water

Importance of pH In Pools

1. Swimmer comfort

Maintaining a suitable pH (7.2 to 7.8) prevents skin and eye irritation. If the pH is too low and the water is acidic, it can cause discomfort to the swimmer’s skin and eyes; if the pH is too high and the water is alkaline, it can likewise cause irritation and dryness.

2. Chlorine effectiveness

Chlorine is a commonly used pool sanitizer and is most effective when the pH is between 7.2 and 7.8. If the pH is outside this range, chlorine’s ability to sanitize the water decreases significantly, which can lead to bacterial and algal blooms in the water, affecting the pool’s water quality.

3. Equipment maintenance

An unbalanced pH can cause damage to pool equipment. Low pH can cause corrosion of metal parts and accelerate the deterioration of the pool facility; high pH can lead to scale formation, clogging of filters and pipes, and increased maintenance costs.

4. Water clarity

Maintaining the proper pH level helps the water to be clear. If the pH is too high, calcium deposits can form in the water, making it cloudy. If the pH is too low, the pool water may become too clear or even have a slightly acidic odor, which may affect the swimming experience.

Keeping your pool pH level within the proper range is essential to ensuring your equipment’s safety, cleanliness, and long life. By regularly testing and adjusting the pH level, you can ensure that your pool is always in optimal condition, providing a comfortable and safe swimming environment.

The ph level of the water in an amusement park pool is normally
The ph level of the water in an amusement park pool is normally

High pH factor in pools

Sunlight: Ultraviolet rays from the sun break down chlorine in pool water, causing the pH to rise.
Rain: Rain is usually acidic, but it can also absorb carbon dioxide from the air and form carbonic acid, causing the pH to rise.
Swimmers: Swimmers bring in sweat, urine, and other bodily fluids, which are usually alkaline and can raise the pH of the pool.
Certain Alkaline Chemicals: Certain chemicals used in swimming pools, such as sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) or sodium carbonate, pool floor descalers, and water balancers, can raise the pH of your pool.
Hard Water: Hard water contains high concentrations of calcium and magnesium ions, minerals that can cause the pH of pool water to rise.
Salary refills: Adding water from a hose may elevate it, depending on the tap water content.

How to test pool water pH?

Using test strips

  1. Immerse the test strip in the pool water for about 2 seconds.
  2. Remove the test paper and compare it to the test paper color chart.
  3. Based on the color of the test paper, determine the pH level of the pool water.

Using sophisticated instrumentation

To monitor the pH level in your pool water, you can use a ph meter or measuring device, such as the A10 Aquarium/ORP pH Controller, commonly known as a pH meter, which measures the ph in a sample of water to determine the level of dissolved substances in the water.

  1. Getting water sample: First of all, you need to get a sample of swimming pool water to be measured, or put the instrument directly into the swimming pool for measurement.
  2. Measure pH: Insert the electrode or probe of the pH instrument into the water sample. Make sure the electrode avoids touching the wall or bottom of the pool. Wait for stabilization and then record the reading.

Otherwise, if you need high accuracy and durability and are on a budget, the A30 hydroponics pH/ORP controller may be more suitable for you. Its high accuracy measurement, automatic calibration, and user-friendly interface make it ideal for demanding pool water quality management. The RP-3000 Automatic pH/ORP Controller is a good choice. It provides basic pH and ORP measurement functions for daily use and maintenance.

How to lower ph in pool?

Use of acidic chemicals

Excessive d alkalinity can make it difficult to lower the pH. By adjusting the alkalinity, you can indirectly help lower the pH.

Sulfuric acid

  1. Calculate amount: Calculate the amount of sulfuric acid needed based on the volume of the pool and the current pH level. Typically, 1 pint (approximately 0.47 liters) of sulfuric acid is needed to lower the pH by 0.1 units per 10,000 gallons of water.
  2. Dilute sulfuric acid: Dilute sulfuric acid with water at a ratio of 1:10 for a safer addition to your pool.
  3. Add sulfuric acid: Pour the diluted sulfuric acid slowly into the pool, preferably near the pool water circulation system or where there is strong water flow.
  4. Wait and test: Wait 4 hours to allow the sulfuric acid to mix well and then test the pH again. Repeat the above steps if needed.


  • Always read and follow all safety instructions on the product label before using sulfuric acid.
  • Always wear gloves, goggles, and protective clothing to prevent skin and eye contact with sulfuric acid.
  • Dilute sulfuric acid at a ratio of 1:10 with water; do not pour it directly into the pool.
  • Store sulfuric acid in a cool, dry, ventilated area away from children and pets.

Dry acid

  1. Calculate dosage: Calculate the amount of dry acid needed based on the pool’s capacity and current pH.
  2. Directly Add: Sprinkle the dry acid evenly on the pool water surface, or dissolve it in water before pouring it into the pool.
  3. Wait and Test: Wait 4 hours to allow the dry acid to mix thoroughly and then test the pH again.

Adjustment of alkalinity

Test your water
Test the pH and total alkalinity to know how much you need to lower the alkalinity. Hydrochloric acid will reduce both pH and alkalinity. However, they may decrease at different rates.

Calculate the amount of hydrochloric acid needed
Calculate the hydrochloric acid needed based on the pool capacity and current pH. For every 10,000 gallons (about 37,850 liters) of water, about 1 pint (0.47 liters) of hydrochloric acid is needed to lower the pH by 0.1 units. This is a rough estimate and the exact amount can be adjusted according to the product instructions and the specific conditions of the pool.

Dilute hydrochloric acid
Although it is possible to add hydrochloric acid directly, it can be diluted in a ratio of 1:10 (acid: water) for safer and more even distribution. Pour the hydrochloric acid slowly into the water (be careful not to pour water into the acid to avoid a violent reaction).

Wait and retest
Wait at least 4 hours for the hydrochloric acid to mix well and distribute evenly in the pool. Afterward, test the pH again.


By regularly testing your water and using appropriate chemicals such as muriatic acid or sodium bisulfate, you can maintain the ideal pH level. Remember, keeping your pool pH balanced not only enhances the swimming experience but also prolongs the life of your pool equipment.

Discover our advanced water quality monitoring systems that will improve your efficiency and ensure that your water resources continue to grow in a clean, safe, and sustainable manner. We look forward to working with you to serve towards the efficient management and optimization of your water resources for the future! Please contact us for more details.”