In the field of water quality monitoring, pH is a key indicator used to measure the acidity or alkalinity of a body of water. The pH of wine is similar to that in water quality and is also an important quality control indicator. In this paper, we will discuss the importance of pH in wine, its influencing factors and its significance to wine quality.

What is The pH of Wine?

Measuring the ph index in wine
Measuring the ph index in wine

pH is a scale that measures the concentration of hydrogen ions in wine and ranges from 0 to 14, where 7 is neutral, below 7 indicates acidity, and above 7 indicates alkalinity. Wine usually has a pH between 3.0 and 4.0, which is in the acidic range.

PH Range of Different Types Of Wines

Wine TypeTypical pH Range
Red Wine3.3 – 3.6
White Wine3.0 – 3.4
Sparkling Wine3.0 – 3.3
Sweet Wine3.2 – 3.8
Table of PH Range of Different Types of Wines

This table provides a clear overview of the typical pH ranges for different types of wine, helping to understand their acidity characteristics.

The Importance of pH in Wine

  • Flavor: The acidity of a wine directly affects its flavor. A lower pH (higher acidity) usually makes wines more refreshing and vibrant, while a higher pH (lower acidity) makes them rounder and softer in flavor.
  • Stability: A more acidic environment helps to inhibit the growth of microorganisms and improves the stability of the wine. A lower pH slows down the oxidization process and helps maintain the quality of the wine.
  • Aging potential: Higher acidity (low pH) allows wines to age better. Acidity gradually reacts with other components in the bottle, promoting flavor complexity and development.
Wine CharacteristicLow pH Range (3.0 to 3.4)High pH Range (3.6 to 4.0)
Amount of colorMoreLess
Kind of colorRubyBrowner
Yeast fermentationUnaffectedUnaffected
Protein stabilityMore stableLess stable
Bacterial growthLessMore
Bacterial fermentationLessMore

How to Measure Wine pH?

Based on the effects of ph on wine above, it follows that pH measurement is very important to the winemaking process. To ensure the best quality, use a recently calibrated benchtop or handheld meter with a plastic or glass cased pH electrode.

  1. pH meter instruments and electrodes: High quality pH meters and compatible electrodes.
  2. Calibration solutions: Standard buffer solutions (e.g. pH 4.0, 7.0 and 10.0) are used to calibrate the pH meter.
  3. Distilled water: For rinsing the electrode and cleaning.
  4. Sample container: Clean glass or plastic container for wine samples.
  5. Paper towel or soft cloth: For drying the electrode.

Prepare the pH Meter

Turn on the pH meter and allow it to warm up for a few minutes (as per the manufacturer’s instructions).
Remove the electrode from the storage solution (usually a pH 4 or pH 7 buffer solution), rinse it gently with distilled water, and pat it dry with a soft cloth or tissue.

Calibrate the pH Meter

Insert the electrode into standard buffer solutions (e.g., pH 4.0 and pH 7.0) and calibrate the meter according to the manual, using a two-point or three-point calibration method.
After calibration, rinse the electrode with distilled water and dry it.

Prepare the Wine Sample

Pour a small amount of wine into a clean container, ensuring the sample is deep enough to cover the bulb of the electrode.
Ensure the wine sample is at room temperature for accurate pH measurement.

Measure the pH Value

Insert the cleaned electrode into the wine sample, ensuring the sensing part is fully submerged without touching the sides or bottom of the container.
Gently stir the electrode to stabilize the reading.
Wait until the reading stabilizes and then record the pH value.

Clean and Store the Electrode

Thoroughly rinse the electrode with distilled water to remove any residual wine.
Gently dry the electrode with a soft cloth or tissue, avoiding scratches or damage to the sensing membrane.
Place the electrode back into its storage solution, ensuring the bulb remains moist to prolong its lifespan and maintain measurement accuracy.


Calibration frequency: Calibrate the pH meter before each measurement, especially after making multiple measurements or after prolonged use.
Temperature compensation: pH is affected by changes in temperature. Many pH meters have automatic temperature compensation (ATC). Be sure to consider the effect of temperature on pH when taking measurements.
Cleaning and maintenance: The electrode is a critical component of the pH meter and should be cleaned immediately after use and stored properly to prevent damage and contamination of the electrode membrane.
Avoiding interference: The electrode should avoid touching the walls and bottom of the container during measurement and avoid air bubbles touching the sensing part of the electrode to ensure accurate measurement.

Is Wine Alkaline or Acidic?

The acidity of wine comes from the natural acids of the grapes themselves (such as tartaric, malic and citric acids), which are retained during the winemaking process and give the wine its unique acidity and flavor.
The balance of acids during the winemaking process plays an important role in the wine’s overall taste, flavor and stability. A lower pH (higher acidity) helps prevent oxidation and microbial growth, thus maintaining the quality and longevity of the wine.
For this reason, all wines, whether red, white or sparkling, are acidic, not alkaline.


pH plays a key role in the production and storage of wine. By precisely controlling and adjusting pH, winemakers can ensure that the flavor, stability and aging potential of their wines are optimized. Understanding the effect of pH on wine quality can help produce high quality wines.

As a leading manufacturer of measuring instruments, Apure high-precision pH meters and reliable quality assurance provide excellent support to the wine industry, helping winemakers control the quality of each batch of wine more accurately. Offers a range of products such as flow meters, level measurements, pressure measurements, temperature measurements, and ozone generators. Feel free to contact us for customized equipment.